Has anyone been kind to you today? A few weeks ago, I had to take a night train from Belgrade to Budapest. Once I got to the station, after getting lost in the city and counting on the kindness of locals to guide me there, I was confirmed what two friendly guys from my hostel
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Meeting up in Bulgaria
Here I am, after a long night on the bus (a night on the bus can decidedly not be restful). I arrive in Sofia, in Bulgaria – nice name for a capital, don’t you think? My friend Maxim meets me at the station, before taking me explore the place for a while. It is a
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Roadtrip to lake Balaton
Revfülop! That’s the name of the village in which we arrive, Matei and me, by the very big lake Balaton, after a road trip of several hours (a bit more than planned, that’s what happens when you trust your GPS too much). It’s a charming place, though a bit empty, due to the low season.
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After a very, very long night trying to get some sleep on that truck (I won’t forget that one anytime soon), we finally leave that gas station at 4 am, as planned. Luckily, the driver is going in my direction, further than Bratislava. Okay, maybe not so luckily because a truck drives very slowly… I
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