Hello everyone!


This is a page where you can find a few important links relating to my activities.

To like my Facebook page, it’s here!
Better Together is an idea of a project I had a few years ago, that I put aside because of lack of time and means. If you like it and you’re interesting in reviving it with me, contact me! I’m always looking for motivated people.

Here’s an email address for that: sophie77_z@hotmail.com

And to stop talking about only me, here are a few other important links:

The website for “Jeunes Volontaires pour la Solidarité Internationale“, the association I worked with in Ghana a few years ago.

The website for Afrique Positive, with whom I did a nice Christmas project right after 🙂

Project Hope‘s website, for whom I taught in Palestine, as well as LoveVolunteers that helped me find them!

The website for “The Open University“, that allowed me to pursue a undergraduate degree in International Studies by distance while travelling (in case I gave ideas to some of you…)

HelpX, the volunteering platform that allowed me to work in a farm in Lithuania, in an abandoned school/future meditation center in Bulgaria and in a  hostel in South Korea.

Opalune, a space with a feminine tone linked to the association “Femmes Libres”, that I had the chance to discover thanks to my wonderful friend Christine Savoy

(Who by the way, offered me to be a woman of the month soon… more information coming)



There are many more, I will add them as I go!


While we’re at it, don’t forget to visit the beautiful resort of Crans-Montana, where I come from! A little publicity for the Ski School I work at this winter as a secretary!

If you want to appear here you can contact me. (It’s only 10’000 .- a link! friendly price 🙂 )


Aaaand to finish, a few bonuses…

A “clip” in which I played years ago

An extract of the Palestinian tv series in which I appeared (the specific episode has been blocked, I’m working on it!)

Numan’s two vlogs in which I also appear. ( <3 )

Other links will come later…

Peace & Love my friends!!!