The Road and me

That’s it, time to come home after over a month on the road. (technically, I came home a few weeks ago already, but I wrote this back then so let’s just pretend okay?) This time, my old companion took me to Italy, Denmark, Germany and Poland, the occasion for me to visit some friends we

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Back on the road!

Hello everybody! The article that I am about to publish feels like an important step for me. I know that I don’t do much more than speak about myself a lot on here 🙂 , but if I am sharing so much, it’s because I’m hoping that my experiences will resonate with some of you.

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A Sunday in Paris

This morning, I walked the streets of Paris. It’s Sunday, and everything is quiet. The complete opposite of my arrival yesterday when, pushed around from all sides, I found myself regretting my decision to come. I don’t like overcrowded places… but I like Paris. I have changed my mind again. The waiter from the café

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As if I believed

Hi everybody, It’s nice to be back. Sorry for not giving so many news lately; I’ve been figuring things out. While I have not been doing a very good job at it (for a change…), I am always trying my best not to give up and stay true to myself in midst of all of

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