After this exhausting journey, I arrive once again in Budapest; the city is starting to feel familiar. I am very excited: I am going to see my parents again! I arrived early in the morning, and I only have a few hours left before I meet up with them. As my health has been worrying
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Roadtrip to lake Balaton
Revfülop! That’s the name of the village in which we arrive, Matei and me, by the very big lake Balaton, after a road trip of several hours (a bit more than planned, that’s what happens when you trust your GPS too much). It’s a charming place, though a bit empty, due to the low season.
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Budapest, first part
“It’s all about the people you meet, isn’t it? Goodbye Mongolia.” 29.08 “I don’t even know where to start. A lot of intense and contradictory emotions went through me the last few days. I am exhausted, I am emotionally empty. I have lost a friend. Romantic love can hurt but we expect it to do
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